What People Say


The tech => feeling translations by @EmotionalAPI are absolutely perfect. @HeartifactsConf

There are talks that make you think...

Then there are talks like @EmotionalAPI that make you reexamine your whole life. #selfconf

Great ways to think about emotions and generating an @EmotionalAPI by @johnksawers #seruby

This talk changed my life. <3

I am a licensed social worker newer to tech industry and found everything you said to be on point and relevant. Great job!

.@EmotionalAPI gave a brilliant presentation. Using API metaphor makes feelings more approachable and lower-stakes.

This. This. This. So on point. @EmotionalAPI #rubyconf_au

Holy Crap! What a great talk by @EmotionalAPI @devopsdayshfd

@johnksawers' presentations are engaging and his framework for thinking about emotions has helped shape my thinking in really good ways.

Amazing talk by @EmotionalAPI on empathy and mental health in tech at @HeartifactsConf #heartifacts #MentalHealthAwareness

John’s emotional story about the power of expressing his anger in a safe group is awesome. Being allowed to feel is incredibly important. @johnksawers #Heartifacts

Therapy isn't (only) crisis management. It can/should be emotional mentorship. One of many great ideas from @EmotionalAPI #devopsdaysBOS

@EmotionalAPI's talk at #abstractions is only 45 seconds in and I already want to applaud.

Applying an API mindset to your emotions reveals a thoughtful path for developers - and everyone, really - interacting with others, and managing emotions more confidently. The wisdom from @johnksawers' #rubyconf_au talk is now available for all: http://youtu.be/OGDRUI8biTc

Am I at a tech conference or a mental health one? So exciting to hear @EmotionalAPI talk!💚

@johnksawers just wrecked me with his @EmotionalAPI talk. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. #devopsdaysBOS

@EmotionalAPI @johnksawers is terrifically courageous for sharing himself. #devopsdaysBOS

Dear @abglassman, @EmotionalAPI, @eacarlson: thank you for sharing your stories with us. Who cries at a dev conference? #abstractions

If you ever have the chance to see this in person, take it.

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