Other Appearances



In this thoughful conversation with host Jennifer Bunk we dive into a number of subjects. I explain the origins of my conference talk and we discuss how to talk about feelings. As part of that we discuss how I think about them differently - which is part of why I want to share my ideas. We touch on meditation, and mindset rituals. I also talk about my growth mindset and how that led me to start speaking, as well as advice on how to get started giving talks.

I talk with the panel at Greater Than Code about my ideas, we cover:

– John’s Superpower: Talking About Feelings in Public

– Programmers and Feelings

– Feelings As Addictions, Comparing Your Experiences to Others’ Experiences, and Setting Boundaries

– Cognitive Deficits of Not Handling Emotions and Cognitive Benefits of Developing Fluency with Emotions

“Practice doesn’t make perfect; practice makes permanent.” ~ Katrina Owen

– Negative Effects on Teams When Individuals Refuse to Acknowledge Emotions

– Influencing Emotions and Emotional Responses


I've given more than fifteen talks over the years. There is a complete list of my appearances on the Speaking Page on my personal website. That page includes links to slides for every talk and videos for the ones that were recorded. I want to highlight a few appearances that have good videos here:

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